Monday, January 23, 2012


Never made a blog before. Don't really spend much time on the fb. But I guess this can be a nice place for me to vent and share with whomever whatever I want. Kinda neat huh? This is mostly here because it has to be here (for class), but hey, yah never know, maybe this will expand I will delve myself into a life of internet browsing and constant output of nonsensical hodgepodge.
Recently saw this video and it makes me one of the cheeriest people in the world.
Chao for now.
¡paz y amor!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. billy, I've seen this youtube kid before - and I know right of the bat he's going to be heartbreaker when he grows up.
    Made my day too!
    - Jackie Chan
