Monday, March 26, 2012

Some Classmates

Okay so I decided this week to post about some of the work that my classmates have been working on because hey, they're awesome peoples and I am really enjoying watching each of them develop their projects.

This first classmate (whom I'll leave anonymous because I didn't see his/her name on the site) has been doing some very interesting work looking at the commodity culture and the idea of the simulacra that is in the world all around us. The most recent post she made is a series of photos from a Florida mall where she is peering into shop windows and catching reflections. This image in particular ( is awesome not only because of how it was shot and the clarity she was able to get from a ridiculous fantasy-world, but also because she told me that the reflection she captured in the window of a victoria's secret model was completely accidental. It's great going back through photos and realizing what you did or didn't think you captured is actually so much better than you could have imagined. If you look at some of her earlier work in the blog I don't think it would be a stretch to comment on how much she has improved in terms or not only capturing the concept but also framing, form, color, the whole nine-yards (where the hell did that phrase come from, the whole 27 feet? what's 27 feet long besides an anaconda?). Anyhow, she's doing awesome and ya'll should certainly give her your support by checking her page.

This second student is also another one who has really really stepped it up a notch (why not a stair? why am I critiquing phrases right now as much as photographs?) Paola is looking at doing portraits of people, but not in the conventional set it up and snap it way, but instead through the passing and fleeting moments that we see for a minute and later vanish from our busy minds. The difficulty with this project is that in order to make a portrait, it implies that one captures something with quality and grace, but also that you don't include too much distraction in the photo. Yet when we're interacting with one another, that is precisely what is present, a lot of clutter, conversation, movement, and general hullabaloo. Yet Paola, especially in this most recent series, seems to really have figured out "okay, this is how I can make it happen." A couple of the photos really stand out to me in particular. The first is the one which she has chosen to edit in two ways, the one being in color with the background content visible and the second is without everything behind the boy. The look on his face is priceless, he just seems like the type of kid you want to get to know. The framing is nicely placed on the side, and color and tonal ranges seem to be well balanced, such as the shadows on his cheek. The way she has chosen to edit the two differently really changes what is going on with the scene. With the background, it is still a comfortable photograph for me to look at, as it looks like he could be at some holiday party where he said something out of the blue that he shouldn't have (okay I get the phrase out of the blue). The second, however, with the background blacked out, is almost eerie and chilling. He's still an adorable boys, but now one has the freedom to place him where ever they would like, and I can definitely see a scary movie scene unfolding in this moment, but don't worry, the kid's too cute to die in this film. As far as what she chooses to do is up to how she wants to represent the photographs. The second is of a kid lying down with a leather jacket on. I just can't get over the expression he is making. It's one of those that can be interpreted in many different ways, which is why I think it's so interesting. He could by lying in the sun ad just wrinkled his forehead, maybe he has a headache, maybe his girlfriend just dumped him (appropriate for a man in leather), maybe he just got laid out during a fight, the list in my head goes on and on, which is why I like it so much. It's not simple and straight forward. Here's a link to that one . With all of that said, I think that Paola has got a groove and I hope she keeps jamin on it!

Lastly, saw this link on another classmate/friends site and I think it's important to see...

peace and love

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